Monday, October 29, 2012


Teaching through music 
and the blues:

For complete article and more related videos, visit:

What turned out to be so great about this video were all the different concepts that the teacher taught and how he incorporated music (and other subjects) into his lesson. This will engage so many more students because there was something for every student’s interest.

In the beginning of the lesson, the song lyrics were not so great. The students were just beginning to process and take in the information. The students were then given a spoken lesson on the topic, an art lesson, a math lesson and a technology lesson. They then went back and reviewed the lyrics and added motions to help the students remember the words. In the end, every student was engaged and excited about the lesson. These students will remember this lesson for a long time to come.

When I listen back to the radio to songs of my youth, I am amazed at how well I remember the words. I'm sure you have experienced this too. It is the music that makes the connection with your brain and it then makes it into your long-term memory. That is what is happening with these students. I still remember songs I learned in elementary school at Halloween, Christmas, Music class and even History lessons and songs sung in elementary school plays. Many people remember all 50 states in order because they know this song!

There are literally thousands of songs on youtube to help children to remember information (and adults too)! The amount of information that can be learned, processed and put into long-term memory is unbelievable. I hope parents and teachers use this valuable resource and start incorporating music into their teaching strategies.

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