Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Having gone on AMA for 14 years now as a director, there are many questions that get asked at meetings before even signing up for the tour. I'm going to try to do my best to answer some of those questions for you now and give you some tips that I have learned over time!

At every AMA meeting I get asked,  Are we able to safely drink the water?
The water in the countries that we visit is safe to drink. In fact, in Austria and Switzerland, the water is better than our water! It's literally glacier or spring water right off the alps! It's delicious and cold. The staff takes bottles so that that we can just refill them in the hotels for the coach rides and hardly ever have to buy water. The water you buy in Europe also feels soft and a little fuzzy. That's because it's mineral water and that's really all you can buy. You also want to ask for water "ohne gas" or "no gas" or they will automatically give you water with bubbles. 

"Do you need any shots or visas to go to Europe?"
The answer is No.  Shots and visas (for American citizens) are not necessary.  

Note: Students holding a foreign passport should contact their embassy for visa regulations.

Where can you get a passport?
Answer:  Check on this in your area before your meeting (most post offices are taking applications now but appointments may be necessary).  The passport website is excellent: http://travel.state.gov/passport.  The timing is normally 6 - 8 weeks, however, we still suggest applying early.  Note: Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after the student returns to the United States. Will cost about $120.00

How many suitcases can you bring?
ONE large suitcase (NO garment bags).  A carry-on that will fit under the plane seat, a purse/camera bag and your instrument.  The suitcase may NOT be any larger than 62 dimensional inches (height + width + depth) at the maximum expansion - this usually equates to a 28 or 29-inch suitcase.  Weight for the large suitcase MUST be no more than 35 pounds.  All suitcases will be weighed during check-in at the college.  My next blog will get into more detail about this. 

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