Tuesday, October 9, 2012


  Integration of arts across all subject areas 

Listening to certain kinds of music can also have a calming effect on students, which helps the teachers and students to have more productive and enjoyable days. Recently our middle school cafeteria started playing classical music during the lunch period. I have noticed a calmer atmosphere and it is not as loud and noisy as it once was. I often times will play soft classical music while students take tests. They request this and feel like it helps them to concentrate.
I also teach in the high school and every year, approximately 12 to 14 of the top 20 in the senior class are involved in our arts programs at school. Playing a musical instrument also helps develop parts of the brain that help students excell in other subjects. Most musicians and artists don't play an instrument, sing, paint, draw, sculpt or dance to get better in other subjects. Artists participate because of the emotions, feelings and joy it brings to them and to those around them. Having it help them succeed in other subjects is just an added perk that they get to enjoy. Here is a flyer I like to give my band students   and parents so they can see the relationships between music and their other subjects.

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