Wednesday, October 17, 2012


This is a great video to show administrators and non-musicians about how music helps your brain to learn other subjects. I think this is important information and can often help to save music programs in schools. The interesting thing is, students who participate in music do not play or sing music to get better in other subjects. Music students love to play or sing music because it brings out emotions and is personally satisfying. What music does for each person is very unique to that individual. I love music because I can go into another world when I am playing. I can focus on just the music and not the 500 million other things going on in my life. I think this is common for musicians.
I love my job because I get to teach the brightest and smartest students in the school. Most years, at least 10-12 of the top 20 in the senior class at Southern Regional are music students. It is clear that music trains the brain in a way nothing else can. I know that these super motivated and intelligent students do not play in band so they can get better SAT scores, but it certainly is an added bonus!

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