Sunday, November 11, 2012



This video shows how technology can really assist and even take over for person-to-person classes and lessons. We have already seen many online classes through colleges and universities, but this is a little different.  I had trouble at first imagining a private music lesson over Skype, but I think with some imagination it could work. This woman had to take this route to keep her private cello students when forced to move out of 
her usual teaching area. 

I still feel a private lesson has an entirely different feel. Not to mention, the sound quality of a live instrument playing verses one off of Skype is no comparison. Students learn a lot by listening and seeing their teacher’s sound and technique. I just don't think that this is a good long-term solution for teaching private music lessons. I do think it has its purpose and can be useful in the short term. 

I think it is also a great idea for students who want a lesson with a particular teacher or composer. I would love to take a lesson with a principal clarinet player of a major orchestra, but maybe not on a long-term basis. For long-term lessons, I highly recommend finding a good musician in your area that you can see on a regular basis. 

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