Monday, November 19, 2012




In the "olden" days all future tour participants would have to mail in an application but now everything is finally done online! All you have to do is go to American Music Abroad and click on Apply! It's that easy! You will enter the password at the bottom of the application that you recieved at the meeting. Enter your first and last name and e-mail and click Submit.  You will then recieve an e-mail with a link to continue the application process. If you don't get an e-mail back in 10 minutes, check your span filter or junk mail. 
Click on the apply now link on the email. This will load a new webpage in your browser for you to continue the application process.  Complete the personal information. Contact and login information sections. Fill out all phone number and contact information. Then fill out the instrument information section and select which tour you will be traveling on. It is the GOLD tour. Complete the miscellaneous section and then review your information and click submit. 
The last thing you need to do is email the completed application and print and sign the application and put it in the mail with the deposit and the bottom of the application your recieved at the meeting. 
This is a very simple process and I am so happy that it's all done online, until you need to sign and return in the mail with your deposit. 
Applying to go to American Music Abroad is your first step in the experience of a lifetime!

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