Thursday, November 8, 2012


Interactive Whiteboard 
lesson for teaching intervals 
Music Theory

  • Go to
  • Click on lessons
  • Show students the four lessons listed under intervals
    • Generic intervals
    • Specific intervals
    • Writing intervals
    • Interval inversions 
  • Go step by step through each lesson as listed on page on whiteboard
  • Click on exercises and Interval inversion 
  • Customize the exercise to both bass clef and treble clef, choose the second option for range, and begin on level 1. Keep all other options as already selected
  • Have four students come to board. Two on one team and two on the other team. Each team will have two minutes (timer in upper right of screen on website) to answer as many intervals as possible correctly. 3 rounds each team. Make more difficult each round adding more complex intervals and key signatures. Students will touch box with interval answer. It turns green when it is correct and red when incorrect.
  • Do this same exercise around the class picking four people at a time to come to board
  • Students watching should follow along and try to guess each interval 

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