Thursday, November 8, 2012



                         AMA and FACEBOOK!

Facebook is a wonderful tool that we have recently started using for our AMA communications before, during and after our trip. This is something every tour member and their parents will want to join. We create a facbook page for each tour where students can begin to meet each other and sometimes even find their future roommate for the tour. It has been great watching the students as they get to know each other and learn about their future best friends. After the tour, the facebooking doesn't slow down! They are continually posting memories, pictures and are always wanting to find ways to see each other. Since the tour consists of over 80 different high schools, it is also interesting to see all the times throughout the year that they see each other. Everything from marching band competitions, football games, honor bands, and reunions.
During the tour, this group helps the parents to keep in touch and see what their children are doing. We post pictures every day of our trip and try to include as many faces of the students as possible. Many times the students do not bring cell phones and because of the time change and cost of calling home, it can be days or a week before their child has the ability to call home. Having this page for our parents has proven to sooth the nerves of the parents so they can see updates throughout the tour. Here are a few screenshots of last year's AMA Facebook page.

Director post during the tour showing concert at US Army Air Base - Germany

Parent post at the end of the tour and parent response............

Student posts after the tour............

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