Thursday, November 22, 2012



Spending Money/Shopping!


*Remember this is not a shopping tour and everything is really expensive. Get things you can’t get at home and when you can go see a castle-do that! We don’t tend to have castles on every corner. 

*Watch your money situation. Think early on, how much you will need each day for lunch, drinks and snacks. Divide it by however many days. Add a little to that. Then subtract that from what you have.

*Remember what you buy you have to live with in your luggage and on your seat with you. There is not room up top in the coach like we may be used to here in the states.

*You might want to collect something small every place we go. Stickers for your cases, spoons, pins. Inexpensive and you still have something to take home with you from every place you’ve been.

* Don’t buy large chocolate things that melt like 5 foot tall chocolate Toblerone bars.

Things to buy in some of the countries we will visit:

Westendorf, Austria-Not the best town to shop in but there are some cute stores. So many fun things to do that your better off renting bikes, or climbing to the top of a mountain and eating a picnic lunch with the cows. It’s beautiful but mostly you will find souvenirs. Traditional hats with feathers or pins, girls dirndls and lederhosen.

Salzburg- Mozart balls, music items but most music things you will find cheaper in the states. Lots of Mozart stuff since he was born there.

Rattenberg – Great glass and Swarovski items but they are breakable and you must remember you will carry it in your carry on the rest of the trip unless you mail it.

Dinkelsbuhl-Decent place to do shopping. If you buy breakables or large items, you may want to have them shipped. It’s usually not too expensive. Berkenstocks, Fritz’s-Ama discount, Down-cheaper at home. Cuckoo’s-really expensive, Steins, stuffed animals, x-mas ornaments.

Venice - Not so much on the bargaining thing but lots of great stores. masks, venician glass (ship) and the Murano glass factory.

Most of the places we go are very touristy and those are the type of items you will find. Don't forget to budget for those items you can't live without and want to bring home!

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