Saturday, December 1, 2012



American Music Abroad is really a trip of a lifetime. I went as a student for two years and now as a director for 14 years. It's hard to impress upon those who haven't traveled to Europe what a life-changing experience it really is. It's also difficult to explain the friendships that are made not only with each other but with the people we meet once over in Europe. The students learn that there is more to life than what we know here in America and come home with a whole new prospective on life and the world. Each country has differences in cultures, customs and personalities. The students get to experience this first hand. Not only do the students get the travel experience but they also get a musical experience. Europeans love American Music! Every concert is packed and the audience response to our music makes the kids understand that music really is the universal language!

Some Impressions from student participants of American Music Abroad tours
I would like to take a moment to thank you for giving me the opportunity to travel with American Music Abroad. The experience was incredible! I had a terrific time, made many new friends, saw many interesting things, have many stories to tell, and also feel that I am a better musician.

This whole trip was a bonus! I couldn't believe all that we saw in this trip for the amount that we paid. The other kids were great and I got to know most of them. My life has changed a lot by being on this trip.
Having been the only participant from my high school, I wondered how I would become good friends with others. I have many many special friendships. To share an experience such as this one with others creates a bond with them. I have learned so much from this trip. From the rich history of Europe to the workings of relationships. All in all, this trip has helped to strengthen my love for my native country, and all that we take for granted.
For six months I looked forward to the trip, and it was everything that I had hoped for and more! My family was so excited for me, I hope that my pictures won't disappoint them. Austria was my favorite place. It is so beautiful, it takes your breath away! I know in years to come, I'll look back on this trip and have wonderful, tearful, joyous memories.

I really enjoyed Paris. Notre Dame was magnificent, and the trip up the Eiffel Tower was fun. The view of Paris in the evening was awesome! It was always my dream to come here. What a great city!

Vienna was probably the most beautiful man-made thing I've ever seen. The architecture was so overwhelmingly gorgeous. The whole atmosphere was amazing. I loved the opera house and St. Stephens. Singing in there was an experience of a lifetime, as was visiting the city itself.

The mountains of Austria were and are the most intriguing and mystical of places that I have ever seen. I was completely in awe and very cold!. The people of Austria give warm, welcoming feelings. My biggest problem was trying to refrain from taking a picture of every mountain I saw!

This trip has been one of the single most important and influential time periods in may life. I will never forget the places we visited and the friends that I met. This trip has prepared me for the future and has made me more aware of the world.

I probably will never look at the world in the same way. Thanks for the opportunities given to us. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to experience new cultures and see the marvels of Europe. I never thought the day would come for us to leave, and now the trip is over. The stories and pictures I came home with are fantastic. You gave me an opportunity to see and do things many people only dream about. I would recommend American Music Abroad to anyone! Thank you for everything.

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